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Record 314 Sports

KSDK News Channel 5 Sports Director Rene Knott takes to the airwaves every Saturday morning for a program that is geared to appeal to Men of all ages. Joined by his News Channel 5 Producer Larry Thornton and newcomer Anthony Atencio, "314 Sports" offers perspective and opinion on local sports as seen thru the eyes of a 40-something male (Knott), 30-something male (Thornton) and 20-something male (Atencio). It's not what you would call "your father's sports talk radio". This is a show that targets the past, the present and the future and with Rene at the controls, you can be sure it will be well done!

Sel Radio Station Time Duration Weekdays
WXOS - 101 ESPN 8:00 AM (America/Los_Angeles) 120 minutes Sat