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Record The Great Adventure Bible Study

It is a Catholic Bible learning system that makes the complex simple by teaching the story (the narrative) of the Bible. Every day, more and more people are encountering God's Word through the methods taught in this show.

Sel Radio Station Time Duration Weekdays
WZNZ - Queen of Peace Radio 5:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles) 60 minutes Sun
WZNZ - Queen of Peace Radio 3:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles) 60 minutes Sat
WMET - WMET-AM 1160 kHz - 4:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles) 60 minutes Sun
WMET - WMET-AM 1160 kHz - 10:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles) 60 minutes Sat
KVSS - KVSS-FM 102.7 MHz - Spirit Catholic Radio 8:00 AM (America/Los_Angeles) 60 minutes Tue